-Opening salvo-
In case many of you are not aware the Fine Arts Dept. is essentially currently housed in a temporary situation- albeit long term. The next building that has been planned for the SNC community is a performing and visual arts building. The Fine Arts Dept. faculty has discussed, among ourselves and to others here on campus, the incredible possibilities for an intelligently designed building that could serve our needs at Sierra Nevada College- the needs of visual and performing arts as well as other academic needs. (The Tahoe community wants and needs a legitimate, state of the art performing arts facility.) We also feel that the building can be built with sustainability in mind. Other schools, Sarah Lawrence College, are committing to innovative and timely buildings that also take into account simple building principles that we like to now call sustainable. These buildings can offer healthy work places for students and faculty. One of my desires for the SNC Fine Arts Dept. is to have BFA candidate studios. This would set us apart from many undergraduate programs- not to mention function as an effective draw for art students. My professional and personal interest in innovative architecture over the years have also involved giving attention to dynamic buildings within academia and the arts because, in part, of our needs here at SNC. Below is my initial sharing of notes I have taken regarding building and designing for Fine Arts and Performing Arts.
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